
QReport enables digital support for the entire process for companies that produce, install and/or service industrial waste shredders and similar industrial modular-built assets. QReport can digitally support automating quality assurance and documentation for the entire life cycle from site survey and sales, production, assembly and storing to installation and field service, and potentially to decommissioning for waste treatment equipment.

Wind Power

Supporting the expansion of renewable energy sources, through the roll-out of wind power, QReport enables digital support for the entire process for wind turbine manufacturers and wind power service providers involved with producing, installing, or servicing wind turbines, both onshore and offshore. QReport can digitally support automating the quality assurance and documentation of the entire life cycle from site survey through sales, installation and field service to resale or decommissioning/scrapping.

Remote district heating

Supporting the green transition through the roll-out of remote district heating, primarily for domestic use, QReport enables digital support for the entire process for companies that sell, install and/or service remote district heating solutions. QReport can digitally support automating data collection, documentation and reporting for the entire life cycle from site survey and sales, through installation and field service and potentially to resale or decommissioning.

Heat pumps

Supporting the green transition through the roll-out of heat pumps for domestic and industrial use, QReport enables digital support for the entire process for companies that sell, install and/or service heat pumps. QReport can digitally support automating data collection, documentation and reporting for the entire life cycle from site survey and sales, through installation and field service and potentially to resale or decommissioning.

Electric vehicle (EV) chargers

Supporting the sustainable transition through the roll-out of EV chargers, QReport enables digital support for the entire process for companies that sell, install and/or service electric vehicle chargers. QReport can digitally support automating the entire life cycle from site survey and sales, through installation and field service and potentially to decommissioning.

Miracle Q-Inspect A/S

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Skanderborgvej 232

DK-8260 Viby J
